Saturday, October 15, 2011

We are Destined to be Great and Successful.

 I was with a group of young children  the other day, and the kids were between the age of eight and ten.  I wanted to test their intelligence and I asked them one interesting question. And the question was "How would a caterpillar cross a river?". Very quickly they got together to discuss how on earth this caterpillar is going to cross a river. They did not take long to come back with different kinds of answers. One said the caterpillar could swim across. That was an easy way out. But I told them that caterpillar does not swim. Since it couldn't swim, then it may well float across to the other side, suggested another kid. It will float alright, but the swift current of the river would sweep the caterpillar downstream into the sea instead. It would never to able to get to the opposite shore. The kids thought for a while, and they still couldn't come up with a satisfying answer. They finally gave up and demanded for an answer. Do you have the answer? If you do, let me know. I will give you my answer in my next post.

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